The Chimp Family published the first diy...

Rocker plates

The Chimp Family published the first diy rocker plate on in 2017. Rockerplates are basically rocking plates you can mount your bike on, which rocks to the left and right side. Riding smart trainers on a static setup usually is harder on your core and your sciatic area goes through hard times. Basically, most riders are not able to stay longer than 60-90 min on their indoor cycling setup.
If you mount your wahoo or elite smart trainer on a banana plate xl you will benefit with a realistic riding experience and longer, painfree stints. Also sprinting and riding out of the saddle feels great.
You will find two version of rocker plates:

* basic version, which rocks to the left and right
*advanced version, which add fortward and backward motionermöglicht 

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